Reluctant Heroes/Heroines

What makes a hero/heroine go through all that misery to save the day?

The simple fact is that most of us are...not heroic.  We'd like to think we could be brave, if it was really-seriously necessary.  Reluctant heroes have all the same fears, worries, doubts, and misgivings we do in the real world.  Problem is, they can't bring themselves to just let it go.  Every now and then, the Bad Buys must be stopped, even if that means pain and suffering for the unfortunate soul who has to do the stopping.

The terrible truth is that Bad Guys don't exist--unless--they sometimes win.  That means beginning a story with villains who are already established.  They've already done in somebody, or many of them to get where they are now.  The most credible opponents for any Good Guy will be capable of harm, or some form of unfair activity that gives them an advantage over others.  Even if they are not very
sympathetic, your average evil-doer is proactive: they really would kill for what they want.

It's hard for most of us to think about what is really worth dying for, but we might consider options that are less final or injurious--if we thought doing so would matter.  That's why some people are willing to call the police when they see a crime and others are not.  Sometimes, stopping the villain
really is a matter for the authorities, if they know about it.  Being the man or woman who twigs to the problem is not always easy, because Bad Guys are known for their desire to get even.

any fictional character who fights their way through hoards of henchmen before going toe-to-toe with the real threat is often an Epic Hero.  Those heroes and heroines literally do have all the luck, that's why they could get through so many challenges before having it out with their nemesis.  That fine and well for them, but--what about the person who is not so keen on all that violence?

Reluctant heroes often look for solutions to their problems in a different way.  Could it be enough to merely spy on the Bad Guys?  Take a few notes, maybe some pictures get the idea.  Sometimes, just getting away after being captured to call the cops is  enough.  Especially after you've been chased and shot at for several city blocks.  Catching your breath long enough to dial 9-1-1 would be an achievement.  Assuming that anyone would let your borrow a phone...

Those less-than-skilled fictional fighters who save the day has their own motivations that go beyond whatever it takes to solve the problem.  Police officers are known for their sense of justice, that belief could matter in dire circumstances--even if they have no gun.  Why?  Because they thought somebody had to do something...even if was them.  What's to prevent the average office worker from making the same choice under equally bad conditions?  Yeah, well.  If you could just get away long enough to find a...

That's why books and movies about reluctant heroes are so popular.  We'd like to think we could be them, or like them when the chips are down.